Chenin Blanc. This white grape, also known as Pineau de la Loire, is cultivated on the… Read the postVouvray: One Varietal, Many Styles Share this:FacebookTwitterMoreEmailLinkedInPocketReddit
Gambero Rosso showcased the winners of its famed annual Tre Bicchieri wine award on March… Read the postHighlights from the 2019 Gambero Rosso Tre Bicchieri Awards Share this:FacebookTwitterMoreEmailLinkedInPocketReddit
… Read the postThe 33rd. Edition of Gala Italia! Share this:FacebookTwitterMoreEmailLinkedInPocketReddit
Sparkling wine is not about celebration so much as its presence creates a celebratory mood,… Read the postTrentodoc: Champagne Quality + Italian Style = A Sparkling Wine to Discover Share this:FacebookTwitterMoreEmailLinkedInPocketReddit
Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc are arguably the most well-known white grape varietals in the wine… Read the postVouvray: Versatility and Variety Share this:FacebookTwitterMoreEmailLinkedInPocketReddit
Few things instantly brighten up a day than drinking a glass of Rosé al fresco.… Read the postLa Nuit en Rosé: Highlights from the 2017 Edition! Share this:FacebookTwitterMoreEmailLinkedInPocketReddit